How to get free diamond in Garena free fire

 Garena Free Fire was created by 111 Dots Studio long ago. A total of 50 players can participate in the game at a time, and all of these players can stay on the field with the help of aircraft. Players can master themselves in their favorite place.

The developers of the game offer the players cosmetics and amazing things. Like actors, costumes and emotes etc. Diamonds should be used to buy all these prizes. However, many gamers cannot afford to buy Diamond Money. Because, in order to buy a diamond, a player has to spend money in his pocket. So, in this article we will tell you how to get a free diamond in Free Fire.

Getting Diamonds for Garena Free Fire for free doesn’t get easier. Because, players have to work hard behind it. However, YouTube and online players are told a plethora of methods. Like you can get unlimited diamonds by using diamond generator. However, using them may result in the player’s Free Fire ID being banned or locked. Therefore, here we are going to tell you the most legal and popular way.

1) Google Opinion Rewards

Google Opinion Rewards is the most popular application used by millions of gamers. This app is used by crores of players. Download the Players application and enter important information to complete the profile.

after that the players have to complete important surveys on the application. Receive credits and gift cards by completing these surveys.

You can top-up Diamond Currency for free with the help of gift cards and credits. You can use Games Kharido, Codashop and SEAGM website to buy diamonds.


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